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Waste management in apartments 


Bangalore, being the 5th largest city in India, has always been putting in some work in managing the garbage produced. Approximately, there are about 75,000 apartments in this big city,thus they become one of the main sources of waste production. Waste management in apartments, is a process which begins from segregating the waste inside the household and is taken over by officials for further processing of waste.


Raindrops, a “Go-green” apartment in Haralur road, Bangalore, has set up a composter to compost wet waste. They follow a 45 day cycle in which the wet waste is kept in the composter which allows it to decompose, this used as a manure for the plants, creepers and trees in and around the apartment area. Being an environmental apartment makes it a tiresome job for maintenance of dry leaves. To deal with this issue, they have selected a corner of the apartment to keep the dried leaves and it is further topped with either food waste or manure. This adds up the amount of manure for healthy growth of the plants in the apartment. 

Dry waste and rejected waste like sanitary napkins, are kept in a separate bin and are taken by an agency. But things are not the same in all apartments. There are places where even wet and dry waste are not segregated, they are just  piled up together and taken to the dumb yards.It therefore becomes very important for every apartment in the city to have proper waste management methods and waste disposal amenities, though most of the apartments are strict about the measures of right segregation and dumping of garbage.

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